I learned how to run and hide in my mind as a little girl. I didn’t know how to explain it to anyone, but it was a place I could hide my pain from the world. Then as I grew in my faith and encountered the love of the Father – I realized, the Lord had been wooing me into the secret place this whole time. It was a place He would meet with me and hide me from my enemies.
I learned to run into the secret place when I was broken, but now I love to hide there just because I love His presence. It is a safe place to hide under the shadow of the Almighty… and each time, I’m revived, renewed, and restored.
Father God will always leave you better than before.
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart (Ps 91:1-4).
God is your Defender
Rita Springer wrote this powerful song – Defender – and the bridge of this song has been an anthem throughout my life.
When I thought I lost me
You knew where I left me
You reintroduced me to your love
You picked up all my pieces
Put me back together
You are the defender of my heart
Jesus Christ is your defender, because He is the one who redeemed you.
Jesus Christ died, rose again, and defeated death. He stripped the keys from death, hell, and the grave. He paid our debt in full and is still our defender to this day.
Do you believe that Jesus is fighting for you?
Do you believe He can defend you?
Faith requires each of us to believe the Word of God and trust that Jesus Christ is fighting for us… and He will never leave us.
Because Jesus has never lost a battle!!!
Passion for the Secret Place
Let me ask you 5 questions…
- Do you really want to know the Lord?
- Do you want to experience His presence?
- Do you want the Lord to speak to you?
- Are you willing to seek Him?
- Are you willing to seek Him UNTIL you find Him?
John Maxwell says, “Passion is fuel for the will. The secret to willpower is what someone once called wantpower. People who want something enough usually find the willpower to achieve it.”
I pray your passion drives you to seek the Lord in the secret place. Once you taste, see, and encounter His presence, you will never be the same again.
A Place You Can Go in Your Mind
There is a place I can go in my mind that is difficult to explain. When pain, heartache, rejection, fear, or trauma comes – and it’s too hard for me to manage with my simple or seasoned faith. There is a place I can go in my mind, and I call this place the secret place of God.
There is a supernatural faith that arises in me that exceeds my own ability to push past my circumstance… then I can feel the Holy Spirit drawing me to ascend high on the mountain into the stronghold of God.
If you’ll let Him, the Holy Spirit will teach you how to get to that place too.
But you must be willing to follow Him there.
Any access given in the heavenly realms will require something of you. It requires a total surrender of faith to believe that God is able to keep you.
Prophetic Prayer
I declare and decree that you are about to experience a deeper level of love than you’ve ever encountered before.
A love that is unadulterated. A love that is pure. A love that is holy.
I see you becoming so sensitive to the moving of the Holy Spirit, because you are carrying a deep hunger for the presence of God. This hunger and passion will begin to drive you to seek the heart of God, and you’ll never settle for anything less. I pray you encounter…
- A love for the Word of God;
- A love for worship;
- A love for the Holy Spirit;
- A love for souls; and
- A love for the secret place.
This love is supernatural and is invading your mind, body, and spirit. The Holy Spirit is beginning to woo you into the secret place, so you too can hide under the Shadow of the Almighty.
You will encounter your own story, because the Lord is personal, and He cares about your every need and every desire.
You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Father God took His time with you and created you on purpose for a purpose, therefore He is calling you because He loves you and desires for you to seek Him.
I encourage you to trust the Lord with all of your heart as you go on this journey into His presence – into the secret place – and into the heavenly realms.
This is where revelation will be revealed to you.
This is where your life will be transformed.
This is where Father God will love your pain away.
He is truly a safe place my friend, because He is your Mind Keeper.
Love and prayers,
Julie G
Julie Giordano
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