I want to tell you how much I appreciate and honor you for allowing me to pour wisdom and strategy into your life on a weekly basis. Therefore, I pray you have been encouraged and empowered by the weekly blogs, and I want to thank you for your faithfulness. Praying today, you are filled with love and thanksgiving as I speak this Prophetic Blessing over you:
I prophesy a spirit of grace and mercy to consume your mind and spirit. This spirit will compel you to love with a grateful heart. I pray that you receive this mantle that has rested on your shoulders so easily… because it will empower you to operate in a gentleness that moves the heart of the Father.
This is the season to lay your cares down at the feet of Jesus and choose to worship the Lord through your storm, decisions, and through the unknown.
Expect to see the hand of God…
- Open doors;
- Unlock answered prayers;
- Reveal hidden treasures;
- Release financial favor;
- Open wombs;
- Reverse the diagnosis;
- Reveal true love;
- Heal old wounds; and
- Ignite an unquenchable hunger for the Presence of God.
There is a new movement of faith that is about to be released from the mountains.
This new season will bring clarity to your calling, therefore your purpose will become clear. The season of confusion is over and the walls of depression, fear, and insecurity are coming down – so let faith arise and every enemy be scattered in Jesus name.
There’s a shaking that is coming and many can feel the expectation of something stirring in your spirit. Can you feel the rumbling? Because there’s a deep desire and drawing to come together.
The enemy has been trying to divide the body of Christ, but God is calling us back together in unity.
I see faith erupting from the mountaintops.
We are about to encounter a wave of supernatural faith that will sweep over us like a mighty rushing wind. Like a fire shut up in our bones.
This faith will activate the hungry, the weary, the wounded, and awaken the deceived.
So, I declare and decree over you a perpetual spirit of Thanksgiving… because the spirit of thankfulness in our hearts and in our mouths will fill the atmosphere with expectation for faith to dwell.
I encourage you in this season to step out in faith and expect to experience His presence.
Begin by putting a praise on your lips…
Testify about the goodness of the Lord…
Extend grace to someone…
Bless someone that is hurting…
Forgive those who have offended you…
Give to someone in need…
Love without limits…
Watch your atmosphere shift… and
The peace of God will transform your mind, fill the room, and overtake the atmosphere.
I pray blessings over you and that you encounter the love of God like never before. I pray that your faith is stirred, and your hope is high as you expect to experience a deeper move of God.
Keep praying… believing… loving… and expect your faith to move mountains.
Love and prayers,
Julie G
Julie Giordano
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